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Once a Month Grocery Haul April Edition

GROCERIES!! What is it about new groceries that makes people happy? Is it the thrill of buying new things on a regular basis or is it the prospect of the creations that can come from simple ingredients? Maybe it’s just a chance to get out of the house! Sometimes trying a new product found on […]

Once a Month Grocery Haul

If you read the post about how I meal plan, you know that I buy the bulk of my groceries once a month and buy fresh produce weekly. If you have not read the post about once a month meal planning, you can read it here. I have completed my meal plan, inventoried my pantry […]

Once-a-Month Menu Planning and Grocery Shopping

Many people have asked me how I can possibly menu plan and grocery shop for an entire month. Well, it took me a while to come up with a system that works for me. My persistence paid off, but it took me awhile to get it. Looking back, I can laugh because now I cannot […]

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