
Welcome to Black Tie and Jam! I am so glad you are here. I specialize in preparing Keto and low-carb-friendly foods, meal prepping and planning. Now and then, I indulge in recipes that are not in the Keto or low-carb category. For every recipe, you will find step-by-step instructions and photos illustrating how to make delicious meals for your family and friends. Most recipes are brand new to my kitchen, but you will also find some tried and true favorites.

Besides writing about recipes and delicious food, I also enjoy writing about travel destinations and tips, craft tutorials, homeschooling ideas, grocery pricing, reviews of restaurants, movies and books and budget-friendly family activities.

I hope you find something wonderful to eat, read or do that suits you and your family. I invite you to grab a coffee or a cocktail and spend time with me at Black Tie and Jam.

I am Amanda from Cook and Meal.

Are you in this mega fan club? What do you buy there? And why? If you are in the Twin Cities like me… did you know they have a newly renovated Roseville location? Um, yeah.

Leave us a little info, and we’ll be in touch.

Loves healthy and easy food.

How cute are these egg boats? When I set out to make these, I really wasn’t sure how they would turn out. But I ended up loving the recipe! Sometimes I go into a recipe being very unsure about it.

  • Simple recipes
  • Easy cookings
  • Delicious

My passion

Even so, many believe there are less problematic and more effective ways to approach outdoors overcrowding than to avoid geotagging – it’s just not that simple. In her blog post, Williams recommends structural reforms for the USA, such as pushing for the promotion of state parks (which are typically less crowded than national parks) and more broadly backing initiatives that educate the public about environmental stewardship.

We are looking beyond ideation stage to, at the very least, beta, and for companies that are corporate-ready. Retailers want to see it all, so they usually have not precisely identified one tech they want to focus on. Visual search and fit-tech are definitely trends.

That’s because in spite of its iffy earnings reports over the last five years, Synergy Research reported that IBM had 7 percent of the cloud infrastructure market in its most recent report, which it defines as Infrastructure.